At Heartis Fayetteville, assisted living residents feel safe and right at home with a helping hand. We provide personalized care when they need assistance with meals, medication, or daily activities like bathing, dressing and grooming, so they can focus on doing the things that enrich their lives. With everything taken care of, residents have more time to meet neighbors and make new friends.
- Daily living assistance – Focus on living a vibrant life
- Living spaces that suit your lifestyle – Studio, one- and two-bedroom apartments that fit your needs
- 24/7 emergency service – Gain peace of mind knowing a licensed nurse is always available
- Social and leisure activities – Enjoy recreation and wellness programs catered to you
- Fitness classes and courtyards – Exercise through our classes or enjoy the fresh air
- Weekly housekeeping and laundry – Let us take care of your chores
- Digital cable and free Wi-Fi – Included with your Heartis Fayetteville apartment